Sun Tunnel vs Skylight: Best Natural Light Pick


When it comes to bringing natural light into your home, you have options, but which one is the best? Skylights and sun tunnels are two popular choices, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will compare the two and help you decide which option is right for you. So, sun tunnel or skylight – which one will win the battle for the best natural light source?

Key Takeaways:

  • Skylights offer both natural light and ventilation, while sun tunnels focus on directing daylight into a room.
  • The cost of installing a sun tunnel is generally lower than a skylight due to differences in labor and materials.
  • Sun tunnels are easier and quicker to install compared to skylights.
  • Skylights provide more direct sunlight, but sun tunnels are effective in brightening up smaller spaces.
  • Both sun tunnels and skylights contribute to energy efficiency, with skylights having the advantage of ventilation options.

Cost Comparison: Sun Tunnel vs Skylight

When it comes to the cost of installation, there is a noticeable difference between sun tunnels and skylights. Generally, the cost of installing a sun tunnel is lower compared to a skylight installation.

This cost difference is primarily due to the variation in labor requirements. Installing a skylight involves more labor-intensive tasks such as cutting drywall, framing, and other construction work. On the contrary, installing a sun tunnel is relatively simpler and requires only a hole to be made in the roof and ceiling for the tube to be inserted.

Although the cost of materials for skylights may be slightly higher, the overall labor cost for installing a skylight can be significantly more than that of a sun tunnel.

Installation: Sun Tunnel vs Skylight

When it comes to installing natural light solutions in your home, understanding the differences between a sun tunnel and a skylight is crucial. While both options offer the benefit of bringing more natural light into your space, the installation process and requirements vary significantly.

When choosing a sun tunnel, you can expect a relatively straightforward and quick installation. Typically, only one or two people are needed for the job, and it can be completed in approximately 3 hours. The process involves making a hole in the roof and ceiling, inserting the reflective tube, and attaching the light diffuser. It’s a simple yet effective way to bring natural light into smaller spaces without extensive construction work.

On the other hand, installing a skylight requires more labor and construction effort. It involves cutting drywall, framing, flashing, and other finishing touches. This comprehensive process can take up to a week to complete, and it’s crucial to ensure proper insulation and weatherproofing to prevent leaks or energy loss.

While skylights may require more time and effort to install, they offer additional benefits such as ventilation and a direct source of sunlight. If you’re looking to illuminate larger areas or incorporate a natural light source that can be opened for fresh air circulation, a skylight might be the ideal choice for your home.

Ultimately, the decision between a sun tunnel and a skylight depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. If ease of installation and cost-effectiveness are your priorities, a sun tunnel might be the best option. However, if you value the possibility of ventilation and direct sunlight, a skylight could better suit your requirements.

Next, let’s explore the light output provided by sun tunnels and skylights in Section 4: Light Output: Sun Tunnel vs Skylight.

Light Output: Sun Tunnel vs Skylight

When it comes to natural light, both skylights and sun tunnels have their own unique qualities. Skylights provide direct access to sunlight, allowing a significant amount of natural light to enter the room. This direct exposure creates a bright and open feel, creating a welcoming ambiance.

“Skylights offer a beautiful view of the sky and allow ample natural light to flow into the space,” says John Anderson, a home improvement expert.

Sun tunnels, on the other hand, utilize a reflective tube to capture and magnify the available light. By harnessing the sunlight and transporting it through the tube, sun tunnels can brighten up dark areas such as hallways, bathrooms, and closets that lack access to direct sunlight.

“Sun tunnels may not provide the same level of light as skylights, but they are a fantastic solution for those seeking natural light in spaces without roof access,” according to Amy Thompson, an interior designer.

The light output of both options can be affected by various factors, such as the orientation of the roof, the length of the tube, and any potential obstructions. It’s important to consider these variables when deciding between a skylight and a sun tunnel to ensure you achieve the desired lighting effect in your space.

To see a visual representation of the differences, take a look at the image below:

While skylights offer a broader spectrum of light, sun tunnels can still effectively brighten and illuminate specific areas of your home, providing a more focused lighting solution.

Energy Efficiency: Sun Tunnel vs Skylight

When it comes to energy efficiency, both sun tunnels and skylights can make a significant impact by reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. However, there are some differences to consider in terms of their energy-saving capabilities.

Skylights have a slight advantage in this aspect, as they directly capture sunlight, providing ample natural light to the room. In addition, skylights can be opened for ventilation, allowing for fresh air circulation and further reducing the need for air conditioning or electric fans.

Some skylights even come with solar-powered features, which not only enhance energy efficiency but may also qualify for the federal solar tax credit. This tax credit can significantly reduce the installation cost of skylights, making them a more affordable and sustainable choice.

“Skylights not only bring in natural light but also provide ventilation, making them a more energy-efficient option for homeowners.”

Sun tunnels, on the other hand, rely on a reflective tube to capture and magnify sunlight before channeling it into the room. While they may not offer the same level of direct sunlight as skylights, they are still effective in brightening up smaller spaces such as hallways, bathrooms, and closets.

It’s worth noting that sun tunnels typically do not qualify for the federal solar tax credit. However, their lower installation cost and ease of installation make them an attractive option for homeowners looking to improve energy efficiency.

Ultimately, both sun tunnels and skylights can contribute to reducing energy consumption and creating a more sustainable living environment. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences.

“Both sun tunnels and skylights offer energy-efficient solutions for natural lighting, allowing homeowners to reduce their environmental impact and enjoy the benefits of daylight indoors.”


When it comes to bringing natural light into your home, choosing between a sun tunnel and a skylight depends on various factors. Skylights offer the advantages of both natural light and ventilation, making them a versatile option. However, they require more labor and can be costly to install.

On the other hand, sun tunnels are easy to install and cost-effective. While they may not provide as much light as skylights, they are suitable for smaller spaces such as hallways, closets, and bathrooms.

To make an informed decision, consider your personal preferences, budget, and the specific needs of your home. If you prioritize both light and ventilation, skylights might be the better choice. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable and simpler installation option for smaller spaces, sun tunnels can fulfill your requirements.

By weighing the differences between a sun tunnel and a skylight, you can select the option that aligns best with your needs, ensuring you enjoy the benefits of natural light in your home without compromising your preferences or budget.

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