3-Tab vs Architectural Shingles: Cost Comparison

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Thinking about getting a new roof? It’s smart to know the difference in cost between 3-tab and architectural shingles. Is upgrading to architectural shingles really better and worth the extra cost? Let’s explore this topic.

Key Takeaways:

  • Upgrading to architectural shingles may come with a higher upfront cost.
  • Architectural shingles offer benefits in the long run, making them a smart choice.
  • When looking at shingle types, consider how durable they are, how long they last, and how they look.
  • Talk to a reliable roofing contractor to guide your choice.
  • Choose roofing that fits your budget, meets your needs, and helps you reach your long-term goals.

What are 3-Tab Shingles and Architectural Shingles?

In the world of roofing materials, you will often hear about 3-tab shingles and architectural shingles.

3-Tab Shingles

3-tab shingles have been around for a long time and are quite popular. They look flat and smooth. This makes them affordable and easy to put up.

Many homeowners choose these because they are the cheapest option. They’re usually made of asphalt.

Architectural Shingles

Architectural shingles, on the other hand, look more textured. They try to mimic the look of wood or cedar shakes.

These shingles are thicker and have more layers. This means they can last longer than 3-tab shingles. While they cost more at first, many see them as a better investment. They are durable and look great.

So, we’ve learned about two common kinds of roof shingles. Next, let’s compare their costs.

Cost Comparison of 3-Tab Shingles and Architectural Shingles

Choosing the right shingles for your roof involves understanding the cost difference. 3-tab and architectural shingles both protect well, but prices vary.

3-tab shingles cost about $4.00 per square foot. On the other hand, architectural shingles cost roughly $5.86 per square foot. Upgrading to architectural shingles adds about $2.00 to your cost per square foot.

However, these costs can change depending on many factors. The contractor, where you live, and the materials influence the price. Always get accurate quotes from trusted contractors for your specific needs.

Although they cost more initially, architectural shingles have long-term benefits. They last longer and look better. They give your roof a textured, premium look. This can increase your home’s value and enhance its overall appearance.


Benefits of Upgrading to Architectural Shingles

Upgrading to architectural shingles may cost a bit more at first. Yet, in the long term, it’s a smart choice. These shingles last longer, are more durable, and their warranties outshine those of 3-tab shingles. For homeowners seeking roofing options that are both budget-friendly and long-lasting, they are a top pick.

Architectural shingles have a longer life than others. If you look after them well, they could protect your home for up to 30 years. This means you’ll spend less on repairs and replacements, saving you money in the long run. They truly are a cost-effective option.

affordable shingles for roofing

They also usually offer better warranties. This gives homeowners more assurance. Because they come with longer coverage than 3-tab shingles, you’ll have more protection. Any issues that might arise will be taken care of without extra costs to you.

Architectural shingles stand strong against wind. They are a great pick for houses in windy areas. Their durability helps avoid expensive repairs due to wind damage. This makes them an ideal choice for many homeowners.

Looking at the big picture, upgrading to architectural shingles is a great investment. Their longer life, improved warranties, and wind resistance make them an economical roofing solution.

Considerations for Choosing 3-Tab Shingles or Architectural Shingles

Deciding on the right shingles for your roof means considering many things. The cost and how long they last are big factors. Also, think about what looks best and how well they protect your home.

3-tab shingles could be best if you’re on a tight budget. They’re usually cheaper upfront than architectural shingles. Many people choose them for this reason.

The Cost Factor

3-tab shingles are known as budget-friendly options. They’re often the least expensive choice. This price gap could be crucial for your decision.

But remember, cheaper isn’t always better. Architectural shingles, although more costly at first, last longer. They also come with better warranties, which can justify their higher price.

Durability and Aesthetics

For a longer-lasting roof that fights off harsh weather, pick architectural shingles. They’re tougher against the wind and wear better over time. 3-tab shingles don’t match their durability.

Architectural shingles also look better. They add a stylish, 3D effect to your roof. Plus, they can look like real wood or cedar, improving your home’s curb appeal.

Making an Informed Decision

The right choice depends on your budget, needs, and future plans. Be sure to look at the costs, longevity, and appearance of each type. This will help you choose wisely.

Speaking with a trusted roofer can also help a lot. They can check what your roof needs and consider what you like. Then, they’ll recommend the best shingles for you.

3 tab vs architectural shingles cost

Tips for Finding a Reliable Roofing Contractor

Finding a reliable roofing contractor is key, whether you’re picking 3-tab shingles or architectural ones. It ensures your project runs smoothly and you’re satisfied. Here are a few important tips to remember:

1. Do Thorough Research

Start by looking into local roofing contractors. Focus on those with good reputations and happy clients. Their websites should show their skills, qualifications, and past work. This kind of research helps you trust their level of professionalism and knowledge.

2. Read Reviews

Checking reviews from past clients is insightful. Use review sites or social media to find feedback. Consider both positive and negative reviews for a clear picture before choosing.

3. Ask for Referrals

Reach out to people you know who’ve had recent roofing work. They can recommend a contractor and share their experience. This personal feedback is very honest and informative.

4. Check Licenses and Insurance

It’s crucial that the contractor is licensed and insured. A credible contractor should have local permission to work and insurance for their team and your property. Ask to see their credentials up front.

5. Get Detailed Quotes

Ask for quotes from a few contractors to compare. Make sure the quotes break down the costs clearly. Watch out for exceptionally low quotes, as they might use poor materials or methods. Find a contractor with competitive prices and good quality.

“Taking the time to find a reputable contractor will help ensure that your investment in new shingles is well worth it.”

Following these tips will lead you to a roofing contractor who delivers quality work and great service. This means your new roof will be installed just the way you want, without breaking your wallet.

affordable shingles for roofing


Upgrading to architectural shingles is a smart move for those wanting a long-lasting roof. They offer better warranties and last longer, making them a good value. It’s crucial to think about your budget, what your roof needs, and your goals. Talking to a trusted roofer can help you decide wisely for your project.

Looking for a roof that won’t break the bank? Consider architectural shingles. They not only look good but also protect better against wind. This makes them a solid choice for places with tough weather. Even if they cost more than 3-tab shingles upfront, their benefits and savings over time add up.

Choosing between 3-tab and architectural shingles is about what matters to you most. Think about the shingles’ life, how durable they are, and their warranties. Balance this with what you can spend at the start. Thinking it over and talking with experts can lead you to the best option for your home.